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302 Henderson Street, Dalton, GA 30721 | P. 706-278-7393
302 Henderson Street, Dalton, GA 30721 | P. 706-278-7393

Mindanao - Coconut - 3 Pc. - Power Reclining Sofa, Power Reclining Loveseat With Console, Power Recliner

SKU U59505/15/18/13

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If sleek and modern is your style, this power reclining set is ready to deliver a fresh look in comfort seating. With a plethora of power features and perfectly positioned scoop seating for unparalleled relaxation, this set will be your go-to spot for watching TV, reading or just drifting off to sleep.

Mindanao - Coconut - PWR REC Sofa with ADJ Headrest

Dimensions 89"W x 42"D x 43"H
Weight 269 lbs
Materials Leather Match

Mindanao - Coconut - PWR REC Loveseat/CON/ADJ HDRST

Dimensions 79"W x 42"D x 43"H
Weight 263 lbs
Materials Leather Match

Mindanao - Coconut - PWR Recliner/ADJ Headrest

Dimensions 42"W x 42"D x 43"H
Weight 138 lbs
Materials Leather Match