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302 Henderson Street, Dalton, GA 30721 | P. 706-278-7393
302 Henderson Street, Dalton, GA 30721 | P. 706-278-7393

Boyington - Reclining Living Room Set

SKU U27105/15/18
Color: Gray

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Ready to take your reclining experience to the next level? Then sit up and take notice. With this power reclining living room set, ultimate relaxation is at your fingertips. Experience the pure bliss of an air massage system and heated seats at the touch of a button. Plus the luxurious diamond-stitched upholstery is easy on the eyes, adding elegance to any space.

Boyington - Gray - PWR REC Sofa with ADJ Headrest

Dimensions 86"W x 42"D x 44"H
Weight 363 lbs
Materials Leather Match

Boyington - Gray - PWR REC Loveseat/CON/ADJ HDRST

Dimensions 75"W x 42"D x 44"H
Weight 332 lbs
Materials Leather Match

Boyington - Gray - PWR Recliner/ADJ Headrest

Dimensions 39"W x 42"D x 44"H
Weight 184 lbs
Materials Leather Match

Boyington - Gray - 2 Pc. - Power Reclining Sofa, Power Reclining Loveseat
668.0 lb
Boyington - Gray - 3 Pc. - Power Reclining Sofa, Power Reclining Loveseat, Power Recliner
841.0 lb