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302 Henderson Street, Dalton, GA 30721 | P. 706-278-7393
302 Henderson Street, Dalton, GA 30721 | P. 706-278-7393

Hindmarsh - Stone - 2 Pc. - Power Reclining Sofa, Power Reclining Loveseat

SKU 90309/15/18

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Change can be a good thing—especially when it takes lounging to a whole new level. Covered in high-pile fabric with rich tonal variation, this power reclining living room set cradles you in comfort.

Hindmarsh - Stone - PWR REC Sofa with ADJ Headrest

Dimensions 86"W x 44"D x 42"H
Weight 256 lbs
Materials Fabric

Hindmarsh - Stone - PWR REC Loveseat/CON/ADJ HDRST

Dimensions 76"W x 44"D x 42"H
Weight 255 lbs
Materials Fabric